Done! Reflections On A Year Through The Bible

Praise the Lord, I finished the Bible in a year.  Well, actually I finished it in 11 months! First of all, forgive my boasting, but it was only possible because of the Lord, so I’m trying to boast in the Lord.  Secondly, I have to thank the makers of the YouVersion Bible app because there…

My Essay On Faith and Sports

I rise from my seat in unison with the crowd around me.  I raise my voice as I raise my gaze skyward.  My soul aches with longing for the desires of my heart.  I have yet to see, touch, or feel the ultimate goal, yet I believe in it with all my being.  In many…

Maybe You Should Look Into This

I owe my life to the Gideons (the folks that hand out Bibles and put Bibles in hotel room drawers).  So when they asked people at my church to help them talk to some kids at a local Juvenile Detention Center, I couldn’t say no. I’ve told my testimony dozens of times and I always…