Psalm 119 – Lamedh

Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations ; You established the earth, and it stands. – Pslam 119:89-90 Forgive my extreme understatement, but forever is a long time.  It is a larger concept then we can even grasp in our finite, human bodies.  There was no “before”…

Psalm 119 – Kaph

Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another. – Proverbs 27:17 I had the pleasure of attending the Iron Sharpens Iron conference in Springfield, VA this past weekend.  It was a very encouraging and Spiritually filling event.  Just a ton of good, faithful men speaking on relevant topics and worshiping together.  There seemed to be a theme of passing along…

Psalm 119 – Yodh

There’s no such thing as a “self-made man.” America loves to laud men and women that work hard, overcome obstacles, and find success without the aid of inherited wealth.  All that is great in and of itself.  But the phrase “self-made man” is a bit misleading.  God made us all and without him we are…

Psalm 119 – Teth

We are refined by fire because God loves us. Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word. – Psalm 119:67 It is good for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes. – Psalm 119:71 God has taught us the truth and the right way to approach…

Psalm 119 – Heth

How simple, straightforward, and powerful this verse is. The LORD is my portion ; I have promised to keep Your words. – Psalm 119:57 The Lord is my portion.  He is my inheritance.  He is my reward.  He is my cup filled to overflowing. In Biblical times, an inheritance was everything.  It was a career,…

Psalm 119 – Zayin

God’s Word has the power to comfort us in times of great suffering and anxiety.  It doesn’t make the trials go away, but it gives us a perspective and attitude that we simply could not achieve without God’s guidance. This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me. – Psalm 119:50…

Psalm 119 – Vav

Non-Christians often have this perception of Christianity that it subdues followers through harsh laws and strict regulations.  Even as a young believer I feared what I had to “give up” in order to be a “real Christian.”  As it turns out, there is much more freedom in Christ than there is without him. So I…

Psalm 119 – He

The Bible is a map.  The Holy Spirit is our guide.  Righteousness is a path in the woods. A foolish believer tells himself that he doesn’t need the map or the guide.  A fool sees shiny objects to his left or right and goes chasing after them, leaving the path behind.  He may stumble upon…

Psalm 119 – Daleth

One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that it is deep as the oceans and as broad as the universe, yet it is accessible to everyone.  The Lord’s ways and words are beyond our human comprehension, yet he allows us to understand exactly what we need to understand. Make me understand the way of Your precepts, So I will meditate on…

Psalm 119 – Gimel

We live a pampered life in America.  Christians are not dragged out into the street and beaten for their faith.  So I don’t pretend to know what real persecution is like.  There are, however, subtle ways in which the world makes me feel like an outsider.  Like I’m not allowed to sit with the cool…